Monday, February 28, 2011

More fun stuff

Here's all three of my little monkeys hanging out together. Ave loves to lay by little Teague all the time. Carter joined in on the fun. I like how they all have to lay on their own blankets.
Avery and Carter kept saying "Pineapple" and laughing hysterically. It must have been an inside joke, but they look pretty pleased with themselves!
Carterman loves his puppy dog. They are best of pals.
That looks like a gassy little fella. He looks a lot like my Carterman when he was a tiny guy.
Ave looks totally crazy in this picture. I love it. Teague obviously is not bothered by Boo Bear climbing up next to him!
They are so funny together. They just make me laugh all the time.
A sleeping Daddy and baby picture. They'll be many more of these to come I'm sure. A warm baby puts Kyle right to sleep!
I like this picture. His eyes are actually open, and he's got the cutest outfit on. Carter thought it was the coolest - Dinos playing football!
His hands are always up. He likes to have a blanket over him, but the hands have to be free!
This outfit from Ritter was hilarious. There are little Sesame Street heads all over it. He looks smashing!
Carter has a new favorite shirt. Grandma Patsy could not resist. It's dark blue (his favorite color) and has Transformers (his favorite thing)!
This picture just makes me laugh. He wouldn't let me take pictures of him for awhile, now he's a little ham!
Ave says "Cheese" without smiling as you can tell!
She really loves her tiny baby brother. She tells whoever is holding him to put him down so she can see him.
Another awake picture. These are kind of rare. He really likes to sleep right now, which is a good thing.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A week old

Here are all the siblings together on Teague's first night home. He has an excellent big brother and sister. Love Avery's face in this picture!

She's been dying to hold him. She's pretty sure he's just like her dolls, and she can carry him all over the place.
There's my sweet boy taking a little nap on the couch. He likes to sleep on his sides.
There's my crazy running kids. They like to just run in circles which is nice because it wears them out.
Terri found her these awesome big sister pj's. They look magnificent on her!
He always has his hands up by his face. It reminds me a lot of  baby Carter. He looks like baby Carter except no chin cleft.
Poppa always comes up with the best games. This one was letting Carter hit a paper bag off of his head.
We were all laughing at his little hands in this picture. It looks like he's holding on to his little blanket, ready for the ride home.
Avery is absolutely obsessed with him. Carter's kind of off in his own little dinosaur/transformer world, but he does come by and give him kisses.
Auntie decided to make some chocolate chip cookies today and luckily, she had many helpers. They turned out delicious of course!
My girl had some crazy hair today! We're heading home in about ten minutes for bath time to calm the frizz!
Carterman was showing me his muscles. He had just come back from the weight room. This is more elbows than muscles but whatever.
This is kind of a little red face, but he had just gotten done eating. He is an excellent sleeper and eater so far. He only really gets mad at us when we have to change his diaper and clothes.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A new baby finally!

My little man is finally here! You'll see him later. Here's my girl sleeping in her big girl bed. She's been pretty great about sleeping in her toddler bed!
Dad found these cool little animals you can color with markers and then wash off. Avery and Landon loved them. They love to color. Carter's is more of an action man.
Landon of course was coloring his red!
It's been fairly warm here lately. The kids loved to get outside in the snow. We had to lure them in with hot cocoa.
Landon and Auntie made an awesome snowman. We got here too late to help with it, but we all thought it was cool.
My girl's funny little smile. She's a cutie pie!
This goofball loves to set up all her babies and stuffed animals in the front room for the fancy dance. I think she got that from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
And now...Teague William Barsness is here. He weighed 7lb 8oz and was 20 inches long. We are so happy to finally see him!
I think he's pretty perfect. We think right now he looks like Carter from the nose up, and Ave from the lips down.
Here's a side view of his glorious little figure. He has some long skinny toes (Kelsie toes).
Jordan couldn't wait to hold him!
Neither could Abbey Jean!
He's quite a sleepy fellow so far.
Just some general info. I can't believe he wasn't bigger being a week late. I'm glad he wasn't!
I love those little hats.
Grandma Patsy is spoiling him rotten already!
Ave is thrilled with him. Everytime she sees him, she says "It's my baby brother Teague. He's so tiny". She really is completely fascinated by him.
Carter and Landon kept asking him how he's doing. They are going to love having another boy around I'm sure.
Carterman giving him a kiss. He's the best big brother around. So anyway, so far so good. Teague's hungry though, gotta go!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Sorry everyone. I know this is late, but I'm overdue and kind of lazy/cranky. There's nothing I can do though, so here are some pictures. The boys both wore their dinosaur shirts on the same day to daycare. They were looking pretty awesome!
My boy very rarely sits still for pictures anymore, so I take what I can get. He's a cutie!
Her face is a bit crazy, but look at this sweater dress from Grandma and Grandpa Barsness. I love it! She thought she was quite beautiful in it too!
Erica probably won't like this, but she should be proud. She officially has a master's degree. Way to go homie - you look super professional in that turtles shirt!
There's my little cheeseball at a Butte High Game. We try to go to most of the home games. The kids like getting out of the house and running around on the court after the games.
After the game, some little monkey was tired. We didn't even get her pajama shirt on! She passed out on Carter's bed with her backpack on and her princess CD player.
Grandma Patsy is much too trusting. I'm glad someone is willing to let Boo Bear paint their toenails. She did a fairly good job!
This is the cutest nightgown ever that Callie got her for Christmas. She kept saying, "It has no pants!" while she talked on her phone.
One weekend she came out of her room dressed in this red shirt and purple pants. I asked her to grab some underwear instead of a pullup, and this is the result. Doesn't she look great?
They were getting some decepticons together - for some reason those bad robots are always in our hallway! Good color coordination too, their guns match their shirts.
Kyle had a bit of an accident at in someone punched him in the face from around a door. It looks way better than this now. He's got two black eyes. Good thing he's tough - nothing broken.
Ave really likes all her babies. My Mom got Big Baby (that's what Ave named her) a Valentine's outfit that Avery thinks is gorgeous. I told her she's a good mommy. She always says, "I'm not a a Mommy!".
She really likes this new John Deere hat that Carter got for Christmas. I told her it makes her look like a dwarf from Snow White. She was reading that book to Carter the other day and named some of the dwarfs Zombo, Cokey, Mato...and many other funny names!
Happy Birthday to Auntie Erica! She turned 27 on the 7th. She was hoping there would be a baby on her birthday - no such luck. Everyone sang to her and the three monkeys helped her blow out her candles.
Erica really likes this picture...I'm not sure why.
My pretty girl was very excited for cake. I love her big eyes in this picture. That's me in the background - it's the closest you'll get to a picture of me!
Landon always enjoys a tasty piece of cake. He gets every piece of frosting off of it!
Carter for some reason was completely naked while they played some old school Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They look awfully cute together though. Erica made them smile while they were playing. Hopefully next week, they'll be some new baby pictures. I'll keep everyone updated. Right now they said if I make it to Monday they'll induce me. That'll make an awesome Valentine's Day!

July - August 2019

My friend Michelle was in town from Las Vegas. Her brother and sister-in-law always have a fun barbecue for everyone here in town. Dana, Jas...