Sunday, March 22, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Teague decided to set up all his animals and dinosaurs the other day. It's quite a collection! Here are some land animals. I missed a picture of the "ocean".
Carnivores vs. Herbivores! An epic battle ensued :)
Happy St. Patrick's Day! We always celebrate in good old Irish Butte, Montana!
Later on we met Mom and Terri up at the KC. Happy Birthday Mom! I'm glad Terri was able to hang out with her. They matched quite nicely too!
One family photo. She had a great birthday as always. It was pretty quiet uptown since St. Patrick's Day fell on a Tuesday. That's fine by me though!
Papa watched the kiddos for an hour and a half for us. They had fun as you can see!
We all made it back for corned beef, potatoes, cabbage, and carrots! It was delicious. They all gave Grandma some birthday loves too! This is a super cute picture even if Teague isn't exactly smiling.
It was really hot the other day after school - 63 degrees. Carter the weirdo insisted on taking off his shirt. It was making me laugh!
Grandma fixed Ave's hair in a cute little bun today. I loved it!
She's just a pretty little goofball. There is no denying it!
Kyle and Carter with their favorite thing ever - the Playstation. Look how happy it makes them!
Two munchkins in the shower. It's their new favorite Sunday night ritual! Hope everyone had a good week. Happy Birthday to Grandpa Barsness today also! Hope he enjoyed his day :)

Monday, March 9, 2015

Outside fun!

Kyle, Terri, Mom, and I went to the fund raiser for dance at the Depot. Geah and Eric sat with us, and we had way too much fun!
Mom won the paper plate game! Geah and I were out on the first try. Eric and Kyle told us tails never fails...they were wrong!
Saturday was pretty beautiful. Carter obviously thought so! He is very much like his Dad. If you can wear shorts instead of pants, why wouldn't you?
We decided to walk down the trail, across Harrison, and head to Father Sheehan Park for a bit.
Two goofballs on a T-Rex. Getting Teague to open his eyes lately is something I have not mastered!
They are sort of open there! Anyway, they had lots of fun. We love going to parks.
Kyle and Carter played some baseball over on one of the fields. I got a picture of him getting some grounders. He sticks his tongue out, and it makes me laugh!
The aftermath of a fun day outside! My Boo was tired.
I managed to get her a blanket and pillow, and of course, Lane decided to join her.
Teague fell asleep like this for five minutes. I made him get up and share a mango with me. He loves fruit! He slept that night for about 12 hours I think!
On Sunday, we went out to Margaret Leary and Walmart. Margaret Leary has tetherball now. I love tetherball!
This is one of the things I remember best about Lincoln Elementary - lots of tetherball action! Carter thought it was pretty fun too!
A cute smiley boy ;)
Boo had a pretty nice mix and match outfit going on. It worked pretty well!
I walked home from Margaret Leary for some exercise. Kyle (who can't say no to Legos), came back from Walmart with some new toys. Ave loves the Lego movie stuff...although I think we might have enough.
She did a fine job on the double decker couch. If you haven't seen the movie, you should. Very cute, very funny!
Another playdate. I didn't catch Nathan smiling here, but they had a great time. We are meeting them at C Street Park tomorrow after school!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Quiet week

We had a playdate day last week. Sam came over to play with Carter, and Korin came over to play with Avery. Korin and Teague were in the playhouse. I thought I took a picture, but I guess not. They all had lots of fun together though. They have some nice friends.
I have been a cheesecake making fool lately. Now that I know it's so easy, why not? I wish I could stop, but I can't!
A boring Saturday morning. Time to make a giant pillow/blanket circle in the kitchen and read books. What could be better?
We bought Big Hero 6 at Hastings and watched it together. I highly recommend it - we all love it!
Sunday night post bath/pre bedtime ice cream cones.
Carter also enjoyed one after his shower.
Teague decided to do a little excavating Monday morning.
There is a T-Rex in there somewhere! He was very careful with his tools.
Teague insisted on bringing home this St. Patrick's Day hat from Grandma Burgman's stash of decorations and attire. It makes him dance and dance!
Carter had to try it next!
Ave's turn! It kept falling over her eyes. Her dancing is quite vigorous :)

July - August 2019

My friend Michelle was in town from Las Vegas. Her brother and sister-in-law always have a fun barbecue for everyone here in town. Dana, Jas...