I have no problem with snow as long as the wind isn't howling!
Teague loves to be outside. We'd had some fairly decent temperatures lately, and he can play in the front yard for hours!
Carterman (looking good in one of Grandpa's hats) had us follow a dog that was running around to make sure it got home okay. He's an animal lover (except snakes!)
This is what happens when you play outside a lot. All that fresh air wipes a little kindergartner out!
One of Teague's friends got him a tent for his birthday. Kyle helped the kids set it up and tried it out. He was just slightly too big!
Avers and Laney are best buddies. Ave calls Lane her sister.
Teague loves all my Mom's St. Patrick's Day wear. He always tries on a few things when Papa brings the crate up from the basement. He was calling himself "Irish Cat in the Hat!"
My Carterman's Battle of the Books team won! They studied really hard, and they should be so proud. They had to go to the library and battle a 4th grade team from Whittier for the championship. The questions were difficult, but they won by 5 points. Good job boys!
Avery also likes to read! We let Carter pick dinner that night after the big win and ended up at the Montana Club. Ave had checked out a few books from the library and couldn't wait to get started on them. It makes me happy!
I took Carter and his friend Nate (who was captain of their team) for ice cream the next day. I want them to be proud of reading a bunch of books.
Some friends and I took our buddy Hattie out for dinner to celebrate her basketball career. She played four great years at Tech. We enjoyed watching her.
Mom bought some Easter kits for the kids to decorate. Ave and Teague loved them! I need to get a picture of the final results. They turned out really cute. Good thing Grandma is artistic!This is Teague and Ave running around together in a sleeping bag. It looked so weird, but it was pretty funny! I don't know how they didn't crash.
We had a fun swimming day at the Y a couple Saturdays ago. We were all bored. Teague wanted to do a "crab" pose here. He's a goofball!
Spaghetti squash time. For some reason it always amuses me when Dad gets a saw out to aid him in cooking. It works really well though!
Teague has been wanting to go on walks with me and Laney. He's a good little explorer!
This is the main reason he wants to go with me. He is such a little collector. He's sure he'll have enough to build a dam soon.
3 cool kids enjoying a spring day! I love the poses.
St. Patrick's Day is here! Mom's birthday turned out to be gorgeous. Aunt Diane came in, which was so nice of her. Mom and I met her and Terri at the parade. My Mom's friends Dick and Diane Trerise came over from Helena to surprise her also. Nancy and Frank made it too. We had a very nice time together!
There were three companies of bagpipers in the parade this year, but I think the Edmonton group is the best. They got a very loud cheer from the thousands of people all around.
Jon Tester riding a tractor also got a big cheer.
Group photo! Dick, Diane T, Nancy, Mom, Frank, me, Terri, and Aunt Diane!
Sisters picture at the Vu. We went there for some pizza afterwards. It was kind of off the beaten path, so we had a nice visit. Thanks to everyone who made Mom have a great Birthday!
I took the kids down to Dairy Queen later in the day. Teague's little shamrock cheek looked awfully cute.
The Edmonton bagpipers and drummers came to Emerson in the morning. The kids all thought they were pretty cool. Teague wanted to "play the bagpipes" so Ave helped design him his own. They looked great! She made herself a drum also with a nice Irish sash. I was impressed! The turkey baster Teague is using is definitely going to need some sanitizing!
We went to breakfast with Mom, Dad, and Aunt Diane before she headed back to Kalispell. We had a great time with her. It was very nice of her to drive all this way for a visit! I really like this picture even though it's kind of washed out.
Kyle and I took the kids to the Museum of the Rockies. He had to head to Spokane yesterday for training and won't be back until Friday.
We've been wanting to see the traveling exhibit for awhile now. Crocs! Teague was happy to wear his new crocodile shirt there.
I had no idea there were live Crocs there! It was pretty awesome.
We learned a lot about Crocodiles, Kamens, and Alligators.
There was a story about the biggest Saltwater Croc ever captured live. It's name was Gengis, and it was caught in India and later brought to Florida. It died at age 67 from heart failure. This is a replica of it - 20 feet long! I can't imagine seeing a 20 ft long crocodile!
There were four little babies! One in the water and three on the rock. They were pretty cute! Crocodile and Alligators are good parents. We watched a Wild Kratts episode about it once. They also had a video about it at the Museum.
These guys were quite interested in the Montana history section this time. This picture of Butte back in the day was pretty cool. We had a blast! Sorry for the long break in between posts. It has been busy, busy, busy around here. Hope everyone is well!