Erica, Mom, Abbey, and Jordan went to Missoula to do some shopping on Sunday. The boys and I did some fun stuff together while Avery napped and Daddy watched football. We went to McDonalds, Hastings, and then I rode them on Poppa's bike over to Emerson. It was lots of fun, but I couldn't take any pictures because they both wanted to do different things the whole time! Here they are climbing together though.
Miss Avers has figured out how to climb onto her brother's bed (much to Carter's chagrin). She just loves it up there. She just bounces around and kicks her legs with joy!
Mom and Dad found this gladiator costume they bought a long time ago for the boys. Carter discovered that he absolutely loves the helmet. He tried to wear it to McDonald's! You can see his little scraped nose too. He bonked it off the deck the other night.
We took a very fun little trip to Emerson on Friday night. The boys got to ride their bikes down and back. As you can see, Carterman thought he was pretty cool!
Here's Lando cruising along on the way back. They both like to go pretty fast and then coast for awhile!
We played on the swings and slide, but they really love us to chase them and tickle them. I captured the Carterman obviously!
This is not the best picture, but it's pretty funny! I love how they are trying to crawl away!
It was Erica's turn to get Landon! I love his face in this picture. Do you guys like Erica's new dog shirt? Ha Ha - they're her scrubs from the Animal Hospital.
The boys were having a great time looking for dandelions to blow in the wind. Check out those cheeks and that hair (it grows so fast)!
This is a cute one of Carter. He has a sweet little face, especially in that evening sunshine!
My girl had a good time too. She was enjoying the swings with her Auntie Erica. I like this over the shoulder look she's got going on.
This picture makes me laugh: the little girl in the pink and white dress playing with a football!
Look at Laney's poor duck. We've had that such a long time, and it's her favorite toy (she sleeps with it). The head has a tear in it and one wing is gone. Avery was throwing it for her. Look at the drool chin - that other tooth up top is coming any day now. This face kills me! Laney was giving her little buddy some puppy kisses. I can't look at it without laughing (the belly is looking full too!).
I love when these two play together. All Carter's old toys are perfect for Avery right now, so of course Carter must play with them!
They were having a good time with the farm that plays "Old MacDonald". Avery's been sticking her tongue out like that a lot. She's just a very silly baby.
She is an absolute climbing fool! She can go up these little stairs no problem. Then she's off down the hall to Carter's room. She loves Carter's room.
She likes this little toy. I'm pretty sure Carter's old daycare lady gave it to him. It says all the colors in three different languages, lights up, and plays a song. She kind of dances with it!
Here's another example of old toys being new again to Carterman. I thought this would be good for Ave right now since she's pulling herself up onto everything. He likes to sing the ABC's with it though!
More jammies from Auntie Kelsie. She looks hilarious in these stretchy little pajamas pants!
They were both wearing their backpacks the other day. They wouldn't stand together for me, but I got this nice one of Carter playing with the toaster while Lando checks out his backpack.
Carter found his winter boots unfortunately. He loves those things. He wore them all day last Saturday, along with his pajamas. We've since hid them under his bed. Don't tell!
Landon was having a really good time with this blanket the other night. It was a cape for awhile. Then he wrapped himself up and rolled around. Why even buy toys? I love this look though!
We were playing hide and seek with Erica. That's my hand over there. Look at that grin! Landoman has some lovely teeth.
We bought Avery a toothbrush last week because she's always trying to steal Carter's. I'm pretty sure we've lost it already, but for one whole day she brushed those three teeth!
Abbey took this picture when I was gone for volleyball. I'm sure you can tell what she is working on!
She really likes to bring a toy up to this middle stair and just sit there. In this case we have some Aquafor lotion and our home phone. Like I said before, why do we buy toys?
Someone got in trouble and had to wash the wall. He's never drawn on the walls before, but he decided to try out some orange chalk in the hallway. Luckily it came off pretty easily.
Avers decided that she needed to feed herself. I let her since it was bath night anyway. She had a really good time scooping out fruit and cereal with her fingers and jamming it in her mouth. Look at that concentration!
It was Kyle's 29th birthday on the 16th. We had a dinner for him on Sunday, but Terri got a cake for him on his actual birthday. He got to enjoy some on his dinner break. It was delicious. Carter decided his piece of cake needed a few extra candles!
The lady at Safeway told Terri she only had pink icing left to write with. Kyle didn't care - it's cake!
She's actually crawling now - with her belly off the floor. Sometimes she takes a rest though and does a little thumb twiddling!
Auntie Erica took the boys through the McDonald's drive-in for some ice cream one night. They need a delightful treat like that every once in awhile. Carter did a pretty good job on his cone!
Here's a strange story. My Dad got a box of stuff he doesn't even remember ordering. He got two pairs of pants, one extremely small suit jacket, and two pairs of old man shoes. He thinks he ordered them months ago, and there was some deal about shoes coming with the pants. Needless to say, he's not going to be wearing them. We laughed all night about them though. Little Kyle tried them on. I said to him, "Pardon me, but are those Omega's your wearing?". We're dorks, but we amuse eachother!