Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lots of fun and activities

We went out to Ritter's house last night for some pizza and a visit. Carter and Madisyn have been asking to see eachother for awhile. Avery and Mason are also going to be best of friends. Look how cute they are!

Jordan came out with me - she loves to see those guys. She was a huge help as usual. They got to play a nice game of hungry, hungry hippos. Carter thought it was a pretty fun game. He kept telling me that the hippos were eating their circle food.
I believe this was Carter's favorite part - he got to drive Madisyn's little 4wheeler around. He thought he was the coolest thing ever. Luckily the battery needed to be charged so it didn't last long. He makes me a bit nervous since he didn't know what he was doing!
One more babies picture. Mason is a crawling fool. He kept crawling over and laying his head by her. It looked like he was giving kisses. They enjoyed staring at eachother.
This was the aftermath of our hiking trip on Monday. Landon ran up that mountain - I swear. He should have been tired!
Carterman was also tired. I'm not sure why since I carried him most of the way. My legs are aching today! He was a good boy though.
"I took your hat Poppa"! Can't you just hear him saying it?
We made it to the top. It was a four mile hike. I wanted to quit a few times since I was carrying Carter, but we did it. We sang the Dora song - "We did it, we did it". We're dorks.
We stopped at a nice level spot for a drink and a little break. The boys had a great time breaking branches off of some dead trees. These were about the size Carter liked to break off!
Here's our esteemed leader. I thought we were going to the trestle on Roosevelt Drive, but no...let's climb to the Vista. It was fun actually - the best exercise I've got in quite awhile!
This is a serious Lando face. I'm pretty sure that was the only time he sat still! He was quite the goofball. He probably walked or ran three miles on that mountain. Good thing because he's a bit heavier than Carter. Dad and Erica gave him a piggy back ride a couple times each and their necks were aching!
Look how happy Landon was. He liked to break off giant sticks. He found a hilarious one for Erica to use as a walking stick. It had about fifty tiny little branches on it!
Here's one of the few times he was walking. He told me he was a good boy because I told him he was killing me! He is a good boy. He was just really tired, but luckily in a good mood. Just a happy guy picture in the middle of a bunch of trees.
Landon enjoyed scaring the crap out of us. He wanted to run everywhere, and it was a pretty narrow, steep trail. He's like a mountain goat!
The start of the hike. The boys thought they were pretty cool. They get so excited when Poppa asks them if they want to go "to the mountains"!
They were quite crazy on Sunday night. They were playing with Poppa and the exercise ball. As you can see they were almost delirious!
This picture makes me laugh. Carter was getting some air while he jumped!
After they jumped, they laid on the ball and rolled back and forth. Lando is laughing so hard. Carter told Poppa he had to "save" his cousin. They can be best pals or worst enemies!
The slip n slide broke. The boys were kind of wimpy about it anyway...so they decided to just walk on it - back and forth. As long as they're having fun I guess it's good!
You can't really tell, but he was absolutely soaked. He helped Jordan clean off the slip n slide and managed to run through the water about a dozen times. Then he sat in the sandbox and played. Needless to say, he had a bath that night!
They like to ram their bikes into eachother. Look at Carter's face - he is such a nut. I can't look at it without laughing.
Here's a kind of washed out picture of my girl and Jordan. Ave just likes to sit back and watch Carter and Landon be crazy little boys!
Avery really wanted Carter's foam sword, which is possibly the worst purchase we've ever made. He told her "No way, Jose". I'm not sure where he learned that phrase!
Carter's new favorite game is for someone to bounce the blue ball, in this case Daddy was the bouncer. Then he runs after it and smacks it away with his sword. Sometimes he uses drumsticks.
The ball bounced on to Avery's swing. She was so happy. She likes to bounce her mouth off the ball and make silly noises!
Avery is obsessed with teeth right now. She just jams her finger in people's mouths. She especially likes Abbey's braces!
She got to wear her fabulous onesie that Kelsie had made for her. Could it be more perfect?
Avery has been pals with Laney lately - she gets so excited when she sees her run. Laners is such a good dog. She never gets mad when Avery pulls hair out of her tail. They had a nice cuddle the other night.
This is so cute. Carter got a Toy Story backpack at Walmart last weekend. Landon has a Cars one that he always thought was cool. He brought that thing everywhere with him this week. He packed two blue guys, some cereal, and a couple movies in it for Daycare. He amuses me to no end!

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July - August 2019

My friend Michelle was in town from Las Vegas. Her brother and sister-in-law always have a fun barbecue for everyone here in town. Dana, Jas...