Monday, April 11, 2011

My big Carterman is 4!

I love to get a picture of all 3 of them together. As you can see, Teague is tipping over and Ave has no pants on. If I ever get all 3 looking at me, clean and will be a miracle!
This is one of Avery's new outfits from Kohl's that Grandma and Grandpa Barsness got her last weekend. She wore it for "yellow day" at daycare and looked sensational!
Yay! Kelsie is here for a visit. Avery started out being very shy around her. About two hours later, they were playing on the floor together like old pals!
We went to the jumparoo Saturday morning. Teague and I watched everyone play together. Daddy got to go on the slides because for once, it actually wasn't too crowded.
My poor Ave was so tired on Saturday night that she fell asleep on her potty while I was brushing my teeth. She slept about 13 hours that night. I couldn't believe it. It put her in a great mood for Carter's party!
I went out with all my siblings Saturday night, I was the DD. We had a fantastic time together and laughed a whole bunch. I wish we were all together more often.
Party time! Carter had his birthday party at Silver Bow yesterday. His actual birthday is today. We had quite a turnout. Here's Kathi and cute little Luke who came over from Bozeman (which we really appreciate).
Here's Nicole's boys: Connor and Austin. They are always so good and funny when we see them!
Jordan and my handsome boy, Teague. He was looking awesome in his sweater from Kelsie and jeans from Grandma Bonnie!
Dana was in town for the weekend, so she came to the party with her beautiful girls Jada and Madelyn. We love seeing them!
Abbey told me that Ave said to her on the carousel, "Abbey Jean Dance Machine, I'm getting super dizzy". She is so funny!
Grandma and Grandpa Barsness found some awesome dinosaur shoes for Carter. He loves them. He tried them on yesterday and then put them back in the box so they would ready this morning!
I love Josh's face in this picture. He and Austin were having a good time together!
Auntie Kelsie got Carter some awesome inflatable dinosaurs! I love how everyone crowded in to watch the present opening.
My big guy getting ready to blow out the candles on his cool Transformers cake. I can't believe he's 4!
Avery really enjoyed the cake. Her teeth were gray the rest of the day!
This is such a cute picture of Ritter's kids Mason and Madisyn. They had two parties going on simultaneously that day. They are cuties!
This sweatshirt is the best. I love it. As you can see, when he puts his arms together, the T Rex chomps away!
Erica made all the kids the funniest shirts. They all love Lord of the Rings. Here's Landon in his new Gandalf shirt!
I know it's hard to tell, but there is a Carterman under those dinosaurs. He still had two more to blow up at home too. They are covering his whole bed right now. Good pick Kels!
Avery was so so happy about her Legolas shirt. She just laid on the floor and laughed about it. Very ladylike huh? Good thing her skirt has shorts under!
Abb and Jord looking like they like eachother! They are always so helpful. I'm very lucky to have them around.
Like I said, a great turnout. Here's Aunt Nancy andAunt Helen hanging out. Thanks everyone so much. He had a great time, and we appreciate everyone coming!

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July - August 2019

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