Sunday, March 10, 2013

Finally took some pictures!

I think I have said this before, but this girl has her own sense of style. I kind of enjoyed this change of pace. Usually it's super girly, but this day was a Wild Kratts shirt and a ninja turtle hat. Nice!
These two usually like to cuddle under a blanket after a bath.
Best buds. Carter and Landon are so funny together when they talk about their day at kindergarten. They just make me laugh!
Teague has discovered the joy of simple ice cream and a little chocolate syrup. He would have about 4 helping if we let him.
He likes to jump off that little ledge where Laney's dog toys are. He thinks it's quite an impressive leap!
Ave made this marching band hat at daycare one day. We had just watched a Bubble Guppies episode about marching bands, and she did some fancy footwork with this hat on!
Avers had been up about a half an hour before Teague. When he came into the front room, they had a nice little hug. I actually had my camera out and got this super cute picture. They love eachother - Awwww!
Instead of satisfying their insatiable lust for videogames, I made the boys take a walk with me to feed the ducks. They loved it! They had quite a group of geese and ducks following them about.
Ave has been loving puzzles lately. We busted out the 300 piece Little Mermaid one the other day. We had help, but she really is pretty good!
These two goofballs (one in all leopard print - thanks Callie for the shirt and boots) were being zombies and walked directly into eachother! They are a lot alike!
We had two birthday parties today. My friend Cristin's little boy KR turned 2 and had a party at the jumparoo. Then we went to Bridger's birthday at Silver Bow. He turned 2 also and is the son of a fellow policeman. Teague had a ball at the Jumparoo. They expanded it, and it looks great!
Out of order...oops. Teague and Auntie shared a peanut butter and jelly. Teague wanted to get done fast so he could eat one of Auntie Terri's shamrock cupcakes!
Back to the Jumparoo. Carter and Avery are very protective of Teague, sometimes overly so. They are always grabbing his hand to help him down the slide. It could be worse!
Mmm. Cupcakes. It only took about 4 wipes to clean him off!
It was a beautiful day! Ave did some fabulous sidewalk art in Poppa's front yard. They remind me of those Wubzy cartoons. She's already more artistic than her Mother and Father!

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July - August 2019

My friend Michelle was in town from Las Vegas. Her brother and sister-in-law always have a fun barbecue for everyone here in town. Dana, Jas...