Sunday, June 1, 2014

Just a few :)

Carter and Avery finished another round of swimming lessons. They turned on the fountains and waterslide for some fun on the last lesson. Teague always loves the little fountains.
Avery was content just to swim around underwater in the kid's pool. She was a little nervous about the slide. It is really fast!
The Carterman! Not my best picture, but what can you do?
More fun in the fountains.
That is a very dark picture of Carter. I managed to take it just as the fountain got turned off. Pretty impressive. I'm just glad he and Ave are getting the hang of swimming. They both loved it this time.
And they passed! Yay! After this we went straight up to Carter's baseball game.
This is what happens to a 3 year old busy little man after swimming and baseball! He slept 12 hours that night!
It's been very rainy here the last two days. Carter had the bright idea to put on snowpants and jump around in some puddles. He's kind of a goofball. Ave looks like a marshmellow!
There she is again. It did keep her pretty dry - all except the shoes and socks of course!
He was too busy watching all his circles to take a picture.
Lastly, this is Teague's usual Sunday face. Dad always thaws out some Costco blueberries for him, and he goes to town! His eyes look so pretty in this picture too. I will take more pictures this week. Abb will be graduating!

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July - August 2019

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