Sunday, October 4, 2015

My brother

 We'll get the sadness out of the way first. My brother died in a car wreck with his friend Casey on August 10th. I honestly don't think my life will ever be quite the same. I always thought we were such a lucky family. That has all changed. I'm a little sad everyday now. I miss him so much. I talked to him pretty much everyday, usually about some TV show, movie, music, or book we both liked. The world is definitely not better off without him in it. He was smart, funny, and all around good guy. All I can say is thank you to our family and friends for being so supportive. There is no way I can ever say how much I appreciate and love all of you. I am glad I have so many pictures of him to make me smile. Here are a few:

Carter always thought his Uncle Kyle was the coolest.

What little boy wouldn't love to play video games with this guy?

Holding his only niece.
They bonded over a pretty cool lasers game. Avery was on level 7, Kyle was on 64!
I looked back through my entire blog to save pictures of Kyle for a collage in my house. Teague was always climbing on him. Always!
 Probably my favorite picture ever. I am going to make sure they always remember their Uncle.
 Little Kyle and Big Kyle were always friends. Big Kyle really misses Little Kyle.
Me and my brother. He always made me laugh. It was really hard to ever be mad at him, that's probably why no one ever was. He was liked by everyone who ever met him.
 Another picture I will love forever. Everyone having such a wonderful summer together. Love you Kyle.

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July - August 2019

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