Sunday, January 24, 2016

2 weeks of snow!

Happy Birthday to our buddy Abbey Jean the Dance Machine! She turned 20 years old (what? how?) on the 13th. We had a delicious ice cream cake and sang to her on her actual birthday. Then we had some chicken curry wraps later in the week for her dinner. Yummy!
This kid is weird.
So is this one. This is her new pose. I was trying to take a picture of her in this super cute sweater. She got some adorable clothes for her birthday and Christmas.
A relaxing Saturday at home with some Monopoly Jr. Teague cries when someone takes a property he wants. Oh well. What can you do?
It was a beautiful snowy day for a walk last weekend. There were big flakes falling on us the whole way.
My walking buddies. They both look pretty happy here. Laney was too!
Teague slowed up by the end of our 2.5 mile walk. Ave was urging him on with many encouraging signs. That's sarcasm. Ave explained sarcasm to Carter the other day by saying, "You know when Mom yells that people are great drivers, and they're not? That's sarcasm." She's correct!
Two kids and a big snowy tree.
Another sweet note from Avery.
On Sunday, just Avery accompanied me on my walk. We walked a little further than usual and saw this awesome sight, a murder of crows! I find it interesting to know what groups of animals are called. A parliament of owls, a pod of cool is that? Or am I a huge nerd? Both probably.
Ave knew what it was called because of a coffee cup I bought for Papa this year. It has two crows on a branch and says "Attempted Murder." We all had a laugh about it!
She was being a scarecrow here. I don't think she scared any of them away!
Erica bought Mom and Dad a little vacuum a while ago. I took a picture after cutting Dad's hair to show her how useful it is! Mom did a fine job vacuuming Papa's shirt.
Teague's sea habitat. He just loves animals!
We had a great snowman day on Monday. It warmed up a bit, so the icicles were melting and the snow was perfect for rolling. Grandma and Grandpa Barsness gave us a super cute Olaf kit last time we were in Sunburst. We finally got to use it! Ave is showing Teague where to put the arm here.
Perfect placement.
Carter helped a little, but he'd much rather just lay in the snow or make snowballs.
He's done! I love it!
Ave was quite proud.
Teague is obsessed with Harry Potter lately. This is his Mad Eye Moody look. He has many theories too. For those of you who read the books, Teague believes Bellatrix is Voldemort's daughter and the dragon in the bank is a new species. Don't bother trying to reason with him either. He kills me!
Happy Birthday to one of our favorite buddies, Callie! Callie turned 34 on the 22nd. I wish we could have celebrated with her, but we will see her soon. Hope she had a wonderful day!
We had another good snowman day on Friday. We made a pretty big one named "Georgina" in our yard. Then we had a super fun snowball fight. I accidentally hit Grandpa Barsness as he was walking in. Sorry! We had a nice visit with him and Grandma Diana this weekend. Also, Carter got released from all restrictions on his foot on Thursday. Yay! He was a running, jumping fool afterwards.
We stopped at Hastings yesterday to rent a movie. Teague insisted on wearing this Woody hat so he could be a sheriff. He was looking good! He also likes mismatched gloves now. My kiddos make me laugh!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Party time! Excellent!

Miss Ave had a Minecraft themed birthday party at the Jumparoo this year. We had some fun Minecraft balloons that all the kids played with. The Jumparoo's only downfall is that everyone's hair is insane after one trip down a slide!
Liam and Teague had a blast together as usual. Jamie said this was the best picture I was going to get. Liam and pictures don't mix right now! Teague asked me if I would make sure to get his barbeque chip in the picture...nailed it. You can see Papa in the background visiting with John and Nancy Ries. He is really starting to feel pretty good with the new hip.
Carter isn't supposed to run or jump until his next X-Ray, which is in a week. He was afraid he wouldn't have any fun, but he did. Kyle and I let him walk on the bouncy houses(?) and go down the slides. He and Mason had a good time with these giant foam building blocks too.
No one around here makes a Minecraft cake. I found that surprising. We ordered her a plain green/yellow one from Safeway, and Grandma found some cool decorations on Amazon. It turned out very well! Now she can keep the toys too. The squid is my favorite (middle top.)
Can't believe my girl is 7! It was kind of a quiet party. She only invited two friends! Reese and Jordan were both at dance. Abb, Terri, and Nicole were working. She still had 11 kids there, and they all got along very well. She is a lucky girl!
Teague, Brooklyn, Liam, and Korin singing to her. She was really concentrating on those candles!
Madisyn, Mason, and Carterman
She got them all. No boyfriends yet!
Kiddos enjoying some cake.
The only one I got of her opening presents. She got a lot of cute clothes, some Legos, some movies, Beados, and art stuff. She is a very spoiled child, but she's very loved. I just noticed Mason in the background!
Ave and Korin, best buddies. Korin's two little sisters were there too. They had a blast running and jumping. They are very nice kids. Thanks to everyone who came to the party, and all our family who couldn't make it but spoiled her earlier. You guys are the best!
My friend Dana got us a bunch of sundae fixins as part of our Christmas present. Ave was really enjoying her hot fudge sundae the other night.
Lastly, two kids loving Laney. Lane is in desperate need of a winter haircut. Teague has been very cuddly with her lately. It took him almost five years, but he finally realizes she can be kind of fun!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

My girl is 7!

We had our friend's Christmas get together on the 30th. All my pictures have crazy eyes. I'm not sure why. The red eye doesn't fix it. Oh well. The kids had a lot of fun together.
The adults did too! We have been doing this for 5 years now, and we all love it! From left to right: Carter, Avery, me, Teague, Madelyn, Kolt, Jada, Dana, Madisyn, Ritter, Myla, and Mason.
Avery got these super cute Bat Girl pajamas from Auntie Kelsie. She was looking good!
Happy 2016! My girl is now 7! I find that very hard to believe! She opened her presents from Grandma and Grandpa Barsness in the morning. She loved everything, but especially her new boots.
Callie came over to visit us and celebrate New Year's Eve and Ave's birthday. She luckily is quite good at decorating cakes.
The finished product! Ave and Teague made a nice design with different kinds of sprinkles.
Everyone singing to her. She was sang to earlier at the Montana Club for lunch also. She received great presents from us, her Aunts, her Grandmas and Papas, Terri, Abb, and Jord too. She's a very lucky girl!
The cake tasted great! Thanks to everyone for spoiling her. She will have her party next Sunday hopefully!

Until next time...

This sweatshirt Teague got from Sunburst is the cutest thing. He got many compliments on it!
I got baby Hawkins to take a little nap. I miss the snuggly stage sometimes.
Teague was so nice to Link this visit. Before he kind of ignored him. They were buddies this time.
These three had fun dancing to Sesame Street videos together!
Ave and Lincoln are always good together. She's a good cousin.
I turned 35 on the 28th. I feel like I'm 22 or something though. It's all good. Thank to everyone for the presents. You guys are too good to me! Terr got me a delicious chocolate cake which we enjoyed after my usual taco dinner. Lincoln enjoyed his piece.
No one enjoyed the cake as much as Hawkins. These pictures kill me!
That is one happy, chocolaty guy!
Couldn't ask for anything more!
Hawkins is very good to animals. So is Lincoln. Laney got lots of loves from both of them while they were here.
On the 29th, we made a trip to Fairmont. Their tree is gorgeous and huge!
Hawkins and his Mom. Erica looks a little surprised in this, but it was the only one I had of her. Hawkins just chilled in the water. Never too happy, never too sad. He's an easygoing fellow.
Kelsie and some buddies. Lincoln had a really great time swimming. "I'm a Whaaaale, Auntie Brianna!"
Jordan and the big boys
It was snowing outside, and it was so steamy. I could have stayed out there all day! Kels got a couple quick pictures before she brought her phone back in. She also paid Landon and Carter $5 each to get out and roll in the snow. They did it!
We are a bit squinty here, but that's okay. We had a blast!
Ave's legs kill me in this picture. She looks like a stick insect!
Not my best picture, but I sure love my nephews!
Hawkins saying goodbye! We miss them already, but I'm so thankful we got a nice long visit together.

July - August 2019

My friend Michelle was in town from Las Vegas. Her brother and sister-in-law always have a fun barbecue for everyone here in town. Dana, Jas...