Saturday, January 2, 2016

Until next time...

This sweatshirt Teague got from Sunburst is the cutest thing. He got many compliments on it!
I got baby Hawkins to take a little nap. I miss the snuggly stage sometimes.
Teague was so nice to Link this visit. Before he kind of ignored him. They were buddies this time.
These three had fun dancing to Sesame Street videos together!
Ave and Lincoln are always good together. She's a good cousin.
I turned 35 on the 28th. I feel like I'm 22 or something though. It's all good. Thank to everyone for the presents. You guys are too good to me! Terr got me a delicious chocolate cake which we enjoyed after my usual taco dinner. Lincoln enjoyed his piece.
No one enjoyed the cake as much as Hawkins. These pictures kill me!
That is one happy, chocolaty guy!
Couldn't ask for anything more!
Hawkins is very good to animals. So is Lincoln. Laney got lots of loves from both of them while they were here.
On the 29th, we made a trip to Fairmont. Their tree is gorgeous and huge!
Hawkins and his Mom. Erica looks a little surprised in this, but it was the only one I had of her. Hawkins just chilled in the water. Never too happy, never too sad. He's an easygoing fellow.
Kelsie and some buddies. Lincoln had a really great time swimming. "I'm a Whaaaale, Auntie Brianna!"
Jordan and the big boys
It was snowing outside, and it was so steamy. I could have stayed out there all day! Kels got a couple quick pictures before she brought her phone back in. She also paid Landon and Carter $5 each to get out and roll in the snow. They did it!
We are a bit squinty here, but that's okay. We had a blast!
Ave's legs kill me in this picture. She looks like a stick insect!
Not my best picture, but I sure love my nephews!
Hawkins saying goodbye! We miss them already, but I'm so thankful we got a nice long visit together.

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July - August 2019

My friend Michelle was in town from Las Vegas. Her brother and sister-in-law always have a fun barbecue for everyone here in town. Dana, Jas...