Tuesday, November 29, 2016


We had some gorgeous fall leaves on the tree until the wind picked up. We did get some nice pics in there though. Here is my handsome Carterman in the fall foliage.
Teagie William in his cool skeleton sweatshirt.
My pretty little Googlebear.
I like how the leaves are resting on Teague's head here!
Action photo!
Halloween with my little Star Wars family. Avery was Rey, Teague was Boba Fett, and Carter was Jango Fett. They looked pretty awesome, and no, I did not make them pick a theme!
Teagie in his parade at Emerson
Avers looking good. She's a trooper. I would have been freezing!
Carterman, with his buddies Duke, Jordan, and Terri in the background.
Helmet on! This pose makes me laugh!
Three good kids. Laney was very happy to see them as always.
We went to the mall first. The wind was really cold during the day time. Ave found her friend Autumn there.
We made it down to the Stodden's party; it's always a good time. Here are some of the 4th graders that were there: Danika, Piper, Nate, and Carter.
Teague was the only kindergartener, but he still wanted a picture!
Ave and her friend Paige.
Teague getting ready for a hayride!
My girl all bundled up.
Carter hanging off the end. It's pretty cool that we can do this every year! Look at that sky - it looked ominous...
Then suddenly it wasn't too bad! We trick or treated from our house to Mom and Dad's.
I had to get a picture of Carter's jet pack. I think it was the reason he won best costume for his class and a $5 gift card at Bonanza Freeze! Grandma Burgman ordered that for him. She couldn't help it. She got Ave's headdress and goggles too. Poor Teague's blaster was out of stock. He certainly didn't mind though!
Jordan came out for awhile with us (Terri and Mom too). Teague picked this out for her to wear! She's a good sport. She'll do anything for her little buddies!
I love this picture. Teague's pose, Carter's smile, and Ave being so sweet in the background. It's just funny to me!
We met up with Ave's best friend Korin, who was a vampire cop. They get along so well.
Her little sister Kelly is in kindergarten also. She and Teague play together at recess a lot.
Family picture!
Dad stayed home and passed out candy. He looked so festive that we had to take a picture! These guys had a wonderful Halloween!

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July - August 2019

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