Monday, July 26, 2010

Quiet week - very nice

Dr. Carter had to give his Dad a shot to wake him up. Poor Kyle was very tired yesterday. Evel Knievel Daze is a long long weekend for him. He worked 4p to 4a Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night. Carter has been taking good care of us. The other day he checked my eyeballs after I got sick in the morning. He told me my eye "smelled like blood and had some barf at the top". He kills me!
Carter and Avery love to go on bike rides with Poppa. Carter looks so cute in this picture, and my little turkey would not look at me. She just wanted to go!
The hot summer days in Butte are wonderful, but they make a girl super tired. I love when she sleeps with her arms behind her head like that.
We went to Clark's Park on Saturday for lots of outdoor fun. As usual we ended up over on the hills for part of the time. There were some people there watching Ave run that could not stop laughing at her. She has to be just like the boys!
The horsey swings are always a favorite too. Carter had to switch over to the blue ones after awhile because blue is his favorite color (for Leonardo)!
Jordan won't like this picture, but she and Ave were buddies on the swings. I like their matching pink flip-flops too!
The opened a "Splash Pad" at Clark's Park last week. I thought it was pretty awesome. It was a great day for it too - it was hot! Jordan came with us and enjoyed gettting splashed by the big yellow bucket. It fills up every couple minutes and dumps out a lot of water as you can see! Jocko is that pink spot on the far right!
Carterman was the only kid that really enjoyed the splash pad. Lando wanted nothing to do with it. Ave would touch the water, but she didn't really want to get wet. Carter had a blast though. I wish I could have got one of his face, but he was always moving!
Carter especially liked to run under the bucket with Jordan. You could hear him laughing and laughing. They were just soaked!
As you can see, Ave looked a bit timid. She was so cute though. She liked to chill with me while we watched Carter and Jordan.
This was about two seconds after we got there. Carter was ready to cool off. He's been running through the sprinkler at Mom and Dad's when they have it on too...usually fully clothed. He's a crazy man!
There's the big giant bucket. It was cool. I though the Splash Pad was pretty neat. When we were leaving the life guard was laughing at Avery because she was waving to the bucket and saying, "Bye bucket. See ya later!".
This is not a good picture, but my girl was looking very girly Saturday morning. She finally realized she has her own slippers and doesn't have to wear Carter's old Lightning McQueen ones! She still steals Carter's Spiderman ones when she can.
Ave loves her puppy dog - especially when Laney is rolling around and being crazy. Her face in this makes me laugh everytime I look at it!
This is a blurry, blurry picture but it's so funny! Carter snuck up behind Dad the other night with a watergun and got him pretty good. I just love how you can see Dad's back all contorted and Carter's warrior stance. Too funny! Dad turned around and sprayed him with the hose of course. My son is soaking wet every night.
Sometimes these boys are so cute together. Most of the time actually - they're either best friends or worst enemies!
This is Avery's summer look right here: really cute clothes (love this outfit from Erica and Kelsie), crazy sunscreened hair, and dirty face (I believe she dripped some slushie down her chest here)! She's such a good girl though.

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July - August 2019

My friend Michelle was in town from Las Vegas. Her brother and sister-in-law always have a fun barbecue for everyone here in town. Dana, Jas...