Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Outside and Sunburst

I love this picture! Teague loves to play with people's hair. Usually he's nice for a couple minutes before he starts to pull. He's being nice in this picture! Abb and Jord have the best hair...I'm jealous.
You think he's a little bit of a messy eater? Even if he's wearing a bib, he manages to get food all over his face, hair, pants, and the floor. Oh well. He's gotta learn self feeding somehow!
Last Thursday was gorgeous! Teague put on his LSU slippers Mom got him (they were they only shoes I had in the diaper bag) and stomped around the yard. He loved it!
He's kind of cute...don't ya think? He's been the silliest little boy lately. Lots of yelling and dancing!
Silly brothers hanging out by the tree. If you notice, they all have purple on. It was purple day at daycare. They played outside for probably an hour.
My girl gets too busy to look at me...so this is what I get! After playing outside, we ended up going for a walk around the block, and then down to the trail. Carter, Avery, and Landon on their noisy plastic big wheel bikes - Dad pushing Teague in the stroller - me and and Lane trying to keep everyone on the right side. You should have seen people looking at us!
We had a very nice visit to Sunburst this weekend. The kids were great and very charming. They had lots of fun on the trip. Teague loved to climb on everything at Grandma and Grandpa's house. He thought he was pretty cool using his carseat to climb on the footstool and then onto the chair!
These little monster pajamas always make me laugh. I love the feet on them!
Daddy and Avers - that's a cute picture! Ave and Carter had a pajama day Saturday. They just hung out and played all day.
I'm not sure how he climbed into the big blue chair. They were playing peek-a-boo and laughing hysterically. Then Teague saw the camera...time to attack!
The big boy out at Grandma Bonnie's house on Sunday. He walked in many, many circles at her house.
Phil and Nate took us out to see the cows. There were some really cute calves - especially a little red one. Carter got out with Phil to say hello to Lucky the horse. I would have liked to take some pictures of him...but some crazy boy had other ideas. He got off my lap to drive at the wheel. What a goofball!
When we came back from our excursion, Teague wanted to run! He was wearing some of Carter's old Jordans. It's the first time he's really worn anything heavy (he usually has the soft-soled Robeez shoes). He did pretty well! He stumbled a couple times, but he was loving it.
He walked all the way over by Phil and Mary Jo's house. He decided it would be fun to stomp on some clumps of mud that we're on the sidewalk. He was really stomping too. I took a few pictures trying to get the leg up, but I missed it.
Ave came over to help him too. She and Carter brought their binoculars from the zoo to check out the cows (and cheetahs, lions, whatever else they imagined they were seeing). While we were doing this, Carter was getting big time spoiled by Phil. After a few not-so-subtle hints, Phil took Carter to the tractors. He even showed him how to pick up a bale of hay. Carter was in heaven - thanks Phil!
Chris, Aly, Colten, and Kaden came out for the feast too (Bre was in Billings for FCCLA - Good luck!). Bonnie and Diana made quite a spread for everyone; the ham was delicious! It's always nice to see everybody.
Teague and Kaden had a good time playing with the farm. All the kids played well together. Coltie is so nice about watching them too. We had a great time - hope to get up there again soon! Thanks everyone!

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July - August 2019

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