Tuesday, October 9, 2018

School's out/ Softball season

Ave likes to hold this dog pillow up to her face and bark at Buster with it. He played and played with her until he absolutely passed out. It was hilarious!
I know this is kind of tough to read, but Papa put in his retirement letter (in Papa style)! This will be his last year of teaching. I knew this day would come, but I kind of can't believe it! Butte High will miss him!
He is the cutest, curliest little thing. I don't know how we went a whole year without a dog in our lives.
This is Buster's girlfriend. He drags Ptera (Dactyl) all over the floor.
My favorite part of spring is when we actually get lilacs! Lilac is my favorite smell in the world. It seems like ours always freeze and don't bloom. This year was great though! I loved walking past all of the lilac bushes.
Buster and Ptera again.
Carter had a really fun 5th grade field trip to the Gates of the Mountains. They all got to take turns being the captain. Luckily the teachers took some pictures to send to the parents.
Carter and his buddies. He has some great kids in his class.
King Buster lounging on his Princess couch. It's a nice spot to chew on a rawhide.
My girl practiced for a couple days, and now she is basically a professional bike rider. I knew it would be easy for her. She's pretty coordinated.
Carter's old bike was little small for her. We will have to get her one that fits. She loved riding around the parking lot up by Dairy Queen though.
Random cool Teague picture. His hair was long here!
Buster loves to cuddle up with Teague on the weekends.
Last day of school! Here are the almost 6th graders enjoying a hot dog lunch on the playground.
Avery played in her first softball tournament in Bozeman on the first weekend in June. It was cold! Carter was with Papa in Watford City, but Teague braved the day with us. He looks so happy - Ha Ha Ha!
This was an old doll bed that Abb and Jord gave to us. Buster fit perfectly in it for about a month, then he decided it would be funner to chew on it.
Last day of 5th, 3rd, and 1st grade. Time is going way too quickly for me!
I always try to get some pictures of the kids with their friends on the last day of school. Most of Teague's buddies were gone by the time I had a chance to get out of the office, but we did manage to find his friend Nico.
Ave has lots of buddies. Here she is with Aubrey and Paige.
And her best friend Korin.
Carter and Colby. Colb is a good kid.
Teague got this award from Mrs. Kellogg. I thought it was so cute that she gave everyone awards based on candy. Teague's name means "Bard or Storyteller," so this could not be more perfect!
Linky Lou and Kels are here! Kels picked up Teague every day after school for the last week. They got done a little bit earlier than us in Watford City. We had a lot of fun together and enjoyed a last day of school lunch at Paul Bunyan's. Here are some silly faces!
And some smiles.
Teague wrote that his favorite show was 30 Rock! This kid is way ahead of his time.
Each grade picked two kids who had perfect attendance for the last term to go on a Domino's field trip and make pizza. The Boo is right in the middle covering her ear/playing with her hair. She had fun!
I have no clue why these are so out of order! This was from Ave's softball tournament in Bozeman. In between games we made a fun little stop at the Museum of the Rockies. We always have fun there!
My girl getting ready to hit. She played well at second base, center field, and shortstop.
The team they played was huge! They had two girls that were at least as tall as me. Ave's team was very young though (8 year olds in the 8-10 division), and they got better every game. It was pretty fun to watch.

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July - August 2019

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